Anyone have slow rising hcg levels ending in a healthy pregnancy?

1st hcg -68
2nd hcg-138 (barely doubled)
3rd hcg- 251 (didn't quite double)
4th hcg 461 (should have been 1000+, 4 days since last one)

Dr says there is a *chance* of it becoming a healthy pregnancy but could very well be ectopic or end up m/c. I should be 6.5 weeks but they are thinking I ovulated late and am only 3-4 but we don't know for sure. I'm not having any pain or ectopic signs. Anyone else go through this and end up with a healthy pregnancy?


This is my 4th pregnancy, I've had 4 healthy children. All were c-sections so I have scarring from the surgeries and was told we probably wouldn't be able to conceive again. Because I got pregnant so unexpectedly & the scarring they are watching my hcg levels closely. The day of my 2nd hcg when it was 138 my progesterone was 19.6 and the next time when it was 251 the progesterone went down to 16.9 so the have me on Prometrium.


Favorite Answer

I posted a similiar question the other day. My last period was Julys 1st. Aug 2nd I found out I was pregnant and was told it was very early pregnancy, my levels were 98 on Aug 2nd, Aug 4th they were 283, Aug 11 th they were 3,301... then on Aug 25th they were only 11,632. The dr was very happy with the results, I asked him about doubling and I how I thought they were suppose to double every 48-72 hours. He said not every women's HCG levels double, he said as long as they arent going down he is happy. He also said that women rely too much on HCG levels and that everyone progresses differently, I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks (last week) and was told I had a yolk and a sac but no fetal pole could be seen yet because it was still too early. Im now 7.4 weeks and i am going in for another ultrasound tomorrow morning. I wouldnt stress too much over your levels, its the worse thing you could do for yourself and your baby, I know its hard too do though. . Good Luck and take care!!!


Slow Rising Hcg


Thank you Army.Wife. I hope your scan is good. I am in a similar boat with lower levels. LMC was July 2nd, Had HCG level done on Aug 11th at 3449, then 1st scan on August 19th showed a fetal pole not HB but the doc though it was a little too early so he sent me for blood work and Hcg was 7220. I went again for Hcg on the 24th and it was only 8121. I have another u/s tomorrow and am trying to be optomistic but it is hard. I am the mother of one spunky 4 year old boy, 2 mc and 7wks preg (hopefully)!!!! Scared to death! This will be our last chance I am 44 years old and don't know if we want to keep trying.


Okay....I am on pregnancy number 9 (3 kids, 5 miscarriages, 1 on the way). It didn't happen with me, but I am a nurse that used to work in the fertility field. I have seen it happen multiple times. Sometimes, you can be pregnant with more that one (twins) and one of them "disappear" and that could cause your hcg levels to fluctuate. You can never read too much into hcg levels..they will drive you insane! Have they tested your progesterone level? That can sometimes indicate an ectopic pregnancy. For what reason did they start doing your hcg level? (it's not common to just do them in a regular pregnancy)....anyway...I love this site for good hcg info.
The hardest part of this is the waiting game....its long and tough, but sometimes necessary. Don't read too much into them!!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ C2008-08-27T08:16:29Z

At four weeks i was 1,900, and 7 weeks i was 53,000, and i was told mine was slow rising too, as it wasn't quite doubling. your still going up, so don't lose hope yet. keep up with your doctor and have an ultrasound done to make sure it's not ectopic. My heart is with you... Good luck and God bless...