How long does the life of an ipod shuffle battery last? ?
I have an ipod shuffle, what is the average life of the battery? This does not mean how long does the device play for. It means how long can I use the device before I have to replace the battery completely?
Favorite Answer
it all just depends on how often you use it. if you use it all day..youllhave to charge it when you get home.but if you listen to it here and can go longer
Apple and the seller who sell it say one year. But I'de say over 2 years. My battery life now i starting to become shorter and shorter now. One tip when your battery life starts giving out, Start using the hold button when your not changing songs because it helps the battery life A LOT!
The iPod shuffle is an engineering marvel providing many hours of listening pleasure. With that said, Steve Jobs ultimately dictates the operating life of each unit and decides when to fart in your approximate direction and thus, remotely disabling the unit. Good luck with that new brick!