What do atheists think of this story...about a bestselling author who was struck by Light...?
like Saul on way to Damascus? He's the author of 'Basic Instinct'. Here's the link: http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080823/NEWS10/808230343
♥ liz ♥2008-08-28T07:34:08Z
Favorite Answer
I do not know what they think of it but this man has truly been touched by the spirit of god.I to experienced gods spirit in a big way.Now I just can not and do not enjoy any movies that have a dark side.I use to just love a good scary movie with gore.Now I just can not bear to look at them.I do not let my youngest son watch them either.He really does not care to anyway.I think he should go back to the nondenominational church and give it another try. Oh and you should have heard George Forman testimony.It was awesome.
till you think of thor, the certainly god of lightning is genuine, why would being caught via lightning be an illustration of a god? Lightning will stick to the simplest path to the floor. The human physique is extremely conductive to electrical energy. SO while you're out ina lightning hurricane till you will get indoors, its superb to make your self as small as attainable and remote from tress otherwise the possibilities of being struck are extremely intense. its does no longer recommend there is any god in spite of the undeniable fact that, basically the human physique is regrettably conductive.
I have heard a lot of stories about skeptics and atheists who had epiphanies or revelations, for example there was a neuroscientist who suffered brain damage after a stroke which, for some reason, allowed her "right brain" to dominate. She spoke of such amazing transcendent experiences that made it crystal clear that everything was connected and all was one. This also happens when people use certain "mind expanding" drugs. Many a genius also speak of such things. It is all consistent with the ancient eastern philosophies and religions that tell us the "ego" is an illusion. But instead of needing "mind expanding" drugs, they reach this state of awareness through transcendental meditation. Many people have spoken of these experiences which allowed them to connect with "pure being" and transcend their "mind" or their "ego"...........BUT:::::::::::::THIS STORY by FAR is the LAMEST i have ever heard in my life. He PRAYED to GOD and all of a sudden............it's CRAP....and I am sure he is a CHRISTIAN who claims this is PROOF of the biblical god, right?..........The biblical god is a metaphor for something they can not explain, and also a means of controlling the masses
Saul figured out that the best way to F up a system is from the inside so he saw the "light" and then twisted all the teachings of Jesus, creating what Christianity is today