What is it with the water in Rochester, NY? It tastes like alcohol?!?

Is there some kind of chemical in it (city is home to Xerox and Kodak, so it wouldn't surprise me) or is it hard water or some other explanation? The water in Rochester doesn't taste like minerals are in it, though; it tastes more like very weak vodka. Just curious.


I don't live in Rochester, I was just visiting. But it does taste a bit like chlorine I guess. This was in the water in several restaurants.

Jamerican Steve2008-08-29T10:02:39Z

Favorite Answer

Yeah! Chemicals are added Rochester's water water to enhance and preserve its quality.

They add chlorine to disinfect the water and protect against disease. Fluoride to reduce the amount of tooth decay and another additive to minimize corrosion of the pipes in your home/apartment.

You might want to get a Brita water system for your place if you can't bare it. http://www.brita.com/

By the way, how long do you let the water run before you bottle it to put in the fridge or drink it straight? Do you notice the alcohol taste in your homemade ice?

You may want it to run for 10 seconds before you drink or bottle it to clear/flush out what settles in the line.

Hope that helps,


Bill L2008-08-29T09:16:52Z

I lived there for 5 years in 3 or 4 different apartments/houses and I, or any of my friends, never noticed or mentioned that. I don't think Rochester is letting kodak or xerox dump. More information? What glasses are you using? Have they had vodka in them? Did you notice this just once or twice or do you ALWAYS taste it?

Sorry I can't help more, I just never noticed that at all so it surprises me. I would think there would be more complaints if the city was dumping Vodka in the water supply. Everyone would be happy though!!! And warmer in the winter!


Rochester has one of the best tasting water in the country because it doesn't have to travel that far. The water in my house has never tasted like alcohol. It may be the pipes, or sometimes restaurants use filters that alter the taste.