What do you think of this colt?

Rate him on a scale of 1-10? Opinions/justifications for answers are welcome and encouraged!





Candy: Umm what? I don't have a spam account. I've always used the same account. I never posted anything about alligators eating my horse.


It's not MY horse, I'm just curious to hear what people have to say.

Jane Horse2008-09-03T18:25:12Z

Favorite Answer

Yuck yuck yuck!!!!!!!

I read everyones posts before I looked at the pictures, now I know what you are all going on about. Horriffic, jusy awful, the poor thing. The place looks like a dump, a foal factory, whatever, I feel for all of the horses there, not just the foal. The horses look board out of their brains the poor things.

Its cuteness 10, Its poor conformation 1, well actually I will give it a 2, it could have been born with its head on backwards!!!

What do you do with a horse like this???

Are they going to keep it or put it down? Thats realy sad. Its going to live in pain all its life if they keep it. If its lucky it may grow into those legs, but, gee wiz, it just looks backwards or something, and I'm a pretty good judge of conformation.

Thanks for the picks, Jane.






Colts have a brilliant probability to win the super Bowl because of the fact: - Peyton Manning - Marvin Harrison - Reggie Wayne - Dallas Clark - Joseph Addai - Dominic Rhodes - Adam Vinatieri - Aaron Moorehead - Bob Sanders ...and that i'm able to pass on and on approximately each and all the proficient gamers on the Colts - they beat #a million and #2 defenses (Ravens and Patriots) interior the NFL **i think of ponies are smarter than bears. Ponies are quickly and bears are sluggish. nicely, yet soccer has no longer something to do with animals**

Captain Oblivious2008-09-03T15:29:46Z

I'm going to be completely honest, I don't work head-on with foals very often at all, but something about this one makes me feel as if he doesn't have the best conformation...at all. Especially in that second pic. He looks like he has an angled back, and his little pastern seems to also be angled strangely (it looks so foreign!). I understand that foals' legs and stuff tend to be a little out of proportion so that they grow into him, but it looks like he was pieced together to me... with some especially disliked pieces too. Being a foal, I could never say that I don't like him, but I wouldn't call him a very prospective young horse...scratch that, I doubt he'll have an easy future.

I'd give him maybe a 4...again, I have very little experience in this area.

EDIT: You know, after looking at that second pic again, his stifle and hocks seem to just WAY out of proportion to the rest of him as well, so I'm dropping to a 2...maybe even a 1...definitely a 1...poor little guy :-(

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