Do you know if Cigna insurance is any good?

I am getting new insurance at work. It is a PPO. What insurance would you compare it you Blue Cross, Well Path or any other thoughts on it?


Favorite Answer

The type of insurance you get and how good it is depends on a number of factors. One, location. If you are in the midwest then i would suggest MEGA they insure a number of colleges in the area and tend to work very well. has helped me alot. Second, deductable and riders. Your deductable is the amount that you must meet each year before the insurance company will start helping with your medical costs. The higher this number, the lower your monthly rates. The riders will factor in next. How many doctor visits a year you want and if you want perscription discounts and accidents covered and things like that will also impact how the insurance works and how much you pay a month. If you are getting a group policy through work ask to have the representative handling your account to personally come and explain all your benefits to you. If you are getting your own policy and getting reimbursed for it then contact an agent in your area and compare benefits to the cost. You probably want to get as many benefits as you can for as little as possible. Health insurance is one area that you don't want to cut corners on. get good coverage while you are healthy so it covers you when you are not.

Blue Cross in my experience is slow to pay out and involved in several issues with many states. for the most imparshal information go to the department of insurance website for your state. you will be able to look up pay out amounts, complaint ratios and pending law suits in the area.

I hope this helped you. If you have any other questions or concerns about insurance please contact me.



Is Cigna Insurance Good


I might suggest you to try this internet site where you can get quotes from the best companies: http://COVERAGEQUOTES.NET/index.html?src=2YAunoR81tm

RE :Do you know if Cigna insurance is any good?
I am getting new insurance at work. It is a PPO. What insurance would you compare it you Blue Cross, Well Path or any other thoughts on it?


Look, it sounds like your "issue", is that you have a limited benefit plan, and you hit your limit!! You can log on, online, with Cigna, to see what kind of "insurance" you have, but if your insurance only covers $100 of wellness per year, that's all it covers!! Just because you used it all up, doesn't mean you get a refund - if baby HAD gotten sick, she WOULD have had coverage. It's completely not up to ANYONE else to tell YOU about your benefits. Part of being a financially responsible adult, is figuring out what coverage you have BEFORE you start filing the claims. If you walk into McDonalds and pay $5 for a meal, and don't get Ruth Chris Steakhouse, do you have a case? Because it sounds like that's EXACTLY the situation you have here. You bought crap coverage, you maxed it out, and are upset that no one told you it was crap coverage. ??? Doesn't make sense. It's up to YOU to figure this out. No one else on this planet is EVER going to pay more attention to your finances, than you do. Expensive lesson learned.


Is Cigna a good insurance company