why every day yahoo is taking a coffee (breather) break?

on question answer itself there should be signal of coffee break so that we don't waste time. also give hours/minutes of breather. it will be appreciated


Favorite Answer

When that occurs, the coffee break notice also has a note on the top of it stating they are doing a little updating on the site.


Come on! Lighten up! This is a simple question and answer forum, not the end of the world or even strategically important. That's a little humor injected by Yahoo people into an otherwise totally boring day. Guess you need a sense of humor to appreciate it, though. It just simply means that the system is catching up with its entries. Did you know that there are literally thousands upon thousands of questions coming in, all over the world, every hour of every day. The system needs time to catch up once in a while.


Because they're addicted to caffeine.