Determining airport traffic pattern?

Well, Im a student pilot. I am a member of AOPA. I was wondering how to determine if an airports traffic pattern is left or right. I know left is the most common, but where does it state that anywhere? My home airport is left and right. The only thing I have found that gives you the information is SkyVector, such as this link - I know that my airport directory and charts tell you what the traffic pattern altitude is, but how am I supposed to know if its left or right? Thanks!

Cessna 172 Man!2008-09-07T18:11:46Z

Favorite Answer

All traffic patterns are left hand , which is standard. If the traffic is right , it will state so , take a sectional chart and look at a specific airport. At the very bottom line of airport in information you will see a RP followed by runway numbers , thate indicates the right pattern for ... runways.


Airport Traffic Pattern


Hey man, been where you are two years ago. I screwed it up several times. I have found this to be a great help: Here is what I do when I fly to airports that I am not familiar with. I always print off the airport information and sometimes the approach plates that are available off of the AOPA flight planning software for that airport. Then, I look at the sectional and read the fine print about the airport. Usually, the the right traffic indicator will be obvious from these resources. Next, I aways print the airport diagram (off the APOA flight planning program) and write the traffic down on the the airport diagram or highlight it if it is RT for one runway and LT for others. I always print this airport diagram and put it on my knee board. That way, I have all that I need at a glance, frequencies, traffic, FBO info etc. BUT remember this, just like you and me, there are people out there that do not know the traffic direction and they always fly left traffic, so be on the lookout for incorrect left traffic when you are flying a right pattern!! My mechanic lives on a grass field and he did not know that one of the patterns was right on his own field. So, keep you eyes and ears open when you get near the field, regardless of the traffic pattern. Good Luck!


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Determining airport traffic pattern?
Well, Im a student pilot. I am a member of AOPA. I was wondering how to determine if an airports traffic pattern is left or right. I know left is the most common, but where does it state that anywhere? My home airport is left and right. The only thing I have found that gives you the information is...



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