Do believe in true love?

Is there the perfect one for u? Have you found that person?


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I beleive there are perfect people for everyone. do i beleive there is one perfect person for everyone and you have to find them, no. I think that once you find someone who is perfect for you then love will form and you will be complete. in saying that, if it fails and you seperate you still can find another person to be with.

Just a guy...2008-09-08T14:08:20Z

I don't believe there's any "perfect" person for me, or for anyone else, because none of us are perfect. I believe you need to find someone who's very compatible with you, and that you'll be able to work through the problems of life with. I realize this isn't a very romantic answer, and when you first fall in love it can seem like you're found your "soul mate", but it doesn't seem to work out that way in the long run.


Yes I believe in true love.
Yes there is the perfect one out there.
No I have not found him yet.


Yes, I have found that person, I married him 7 years ago!


past a many years i dnt blieve true love,but i fell it past a mnth ago maybe until now! but sad to say he is not mind! and i think i dnt need any body coz when know the meaning of true love , it is a sucks of i dcide to live on my own ,i enjoy my life w/ friends,& family as in!

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