Does anyone do dream interpretation? What does this dream mean?

I had this odd dream that I was having a discussion with my husband. We were in a field, a dry field...maybe it was fall because the grass was brown and dead. But on the ground were deep purple mulberries. I could not concentrate on our conversation because I just kept focusing on the mulberries. Does anyone know what that means?

Vöt Änårж2008-09-08T12:08:42Z

Favorite Answer

You forgot to buy mulberry jam yesterday, even though hubby reminded you to do so five times.

Your brain finally remembered what you had been asking yourself all day "I am supposed to buy something today, but what was it???"


dreams are often symbolic of the day previous and spiced up
by our current mindset.
if you are feeling that you and your husband are not communicating
well then this would be why you cant pay attention to him.
you may feel that things aren't growing right in the world of your marraige
or at least not the what you think it should be at
and hence the barren dead field
and you do however see the fruit of your labors starting to bud but it is almost un-noticeable so you pay all the more attention to it
represented by the mulberries
hope it helps


Here is my guess.

The dry field could represent a financial difficulties. It could also represent a lack of passion. It does not necessarily have to do with feelings about your husband. It could be symbolic of your life in general, or in a certain area.

The berries that you were focusing on...I think they represent the one thing in your life that you are passionate about (at the moment). Something that brings you pleasure. Maybe you are wanting something fun in your life instead of the boring rut that you might be in.


you have rough times ahead of you thats why the field is dry and brown. as far as you focusing on the mullberries, thats a sign that it wont be forever your going to get through it after a season or so. after that your fruitfull once again.

Peter L2008-09-08T19:09:51Z

Do not all interpretations belong to God??

Purple is the color of royalty and fruit is the result of our relationship with God. Take it before God and He will speak to you

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