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AnaGameela asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Dream interpretation? What could this mean???

Yesterday I was napping and I had a dream that I was with my mother and the man I love, standing on some scaffolding beside my home. I was in the process of adding several stories to my house. I saw my mom fall, landing on her head, snapping her neck. By the time I got to her, she was trying to talk (she couldn't say anything but her eyes were so full of emotion, it was so sad), and then she just died. My four-year-old son was with us in the dream (he was there when I got to the ground to see my mother), and he was holding her hand... I woke up TERRIFIED!

I'm not TOO familiar with the meaning of dreams, so this one's got me puzzled. For proper interpretation of the dream, I guess I need to tell you a couple of things. The man I was with isn't my husband, he's someone I'm in love with but can't be with due to my marriage. I took my vows very seriously, so I'm still trying to figure out what to do about all that. Also, I have another son but he is just a baby. He wasn't in the dream.


Wow - this is deep... don't hold back. You're not gonna hurt my feelings or anything, that's why I'm asking for help.


Update 2:

I'm sending this one to voting because I can't decide who to give the points to. THANKS FOR ALL THE ANSWERS. YOU ALL HELPED ME A LOT!!!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You probably dreamed of your mother dying because you feel guilty with the fact that you are in love with another man other than your husband. The emotional state of your mother possibly indicates of how your husband would react if he knew that you loved another man. I hope my interpretation wasn't too personal or reaching too far.

    Source(s): psychology class
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Usually in dream the house is a representation of the "self." The people that were with you in the dream are significant or wholly irrelevant to the meaning. What you have provided doesn't really have much to go on, and it sound more like a fragment/part of a dream rather than a whole dream sequence. And your explaination below is kind of disjointed as well.

    Why did you tell us about your other son if he wasn't in the dream? Most dreams don't really mean anything at all. However, sometimes they can provide insight into your daily thoughts, worries, or stress you may have in your life. Sometimes they are indicative of your aspirations or goals (the building of several stories on your house may or may not indicate this).

    The best way to analyze your dream is to do it yourself, since it is a highly subjective experience and NO ONE really knows what your dream means. At best everyone here, even an expert, is going to be making educated guesses dependent upon the symbols and archetypal figures in the dream you have described.

    I recommend you to research and study dream analysis. Buy some books on it, read up on it online. There are plenty of resources available to find your own answers. Also, it would be a good idea to write the dream down so you can remember as much of the details as possible. Then, with those details in hand, you can research the most common meaning that psychologists assume them to have. A dream dictionary is good for this because the symbols and figures and events are listed in the index of the book.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many dreams are your brain's way of tying off loose ends at the end of each day,ie so that you can start your next day fresh, (otherwise we'd all be emotional wrecks if we started off every day in the same state as when we'd went to sleep). The unconcious state that you enter is known as 'the rapid eye movement phase' (REM), cos your eyes move slightly as you dream and relive the part of the day. Your brain then takes occurances that happened in the day and bring them together, to tie them off.

    So the dream probably doesn't mean anything. You probably thought about this guy again, saw your kid and spoke to your mother that day. It probably does have emotional meaning but you probably already know what it is deep down otherwise you wouldn't have dreamt it.

    As for leaving you husband, as others suggest. That's not for any of us to decide, it's your life. But personally, if I made a commitment I'd stick to it. Of course there will be temptation and rough patches. Other than that your kids have a loving FAMILY, do you really wanna give it all up for a dream? Besides I'd rather have a friend/lover for the long term than a silly old fling for a short while. Love is like a storm - exciting but very temperamental, friendship is like the ocean - sometimes rough on the surface (where the sport is), but deep down it's calm, unexplored and always there. Use it, don't use it

    Source(s): Me, my brain and my eye.
  • Tony B
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sometimes dreams have been known to actually happenso it possibly could have been a premonition. Another possibility is that you are emotionally crushed about something and you don't realize it yet or something tramatic could have taken place that involved your mother. Your son being there might mean that you are worried about the same thing happening to your child. As for the man being there, that means that you want to be in a relationship with him and the mother thing could represent that you can't have this man unless you divorce your husband. Back to the child thing it could mean that you care more about one instead of thee other I know its not true but I'm just thrown that out there otherwise I know what I'm talking about. Again it could be a represntation of wwhat is to come and it could be your baby for years from now.

    I know it sounds really weird and I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense.

    Try going to see a psychologisrt. he/ she probably have a better sense of interpritation than I do.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The man and your mom were both on a scaffolding and your mom fell off and died...I'd say that the man and your mom both mean a lot to you. That's why they're on a scaffolding, because you hold them in high regards. I'm guessing your mom wouldn't approve of you breaking your wedding vows. She could represent that idea. Her fall and death might symbolize the death of those vows. Subconsciously you might want to break them in order to be with this man. He was left on the scaffolding, meaning he would be the sole focus of your affection if you weren't married. If your mom wouldn't support your love for this man, then maybe you feel like loving him would hurt her. Your four year old son was there because he's a product of your current marriage. He's tied to your current vows, that's why he was holding your mom's hand. He would probably want you to stick to your current marriage (represented by your mom). Your son didn't die because if you were to end your marriage, he wouldn't die, just your marriage would.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let me analyze your dream if not too late.

    Man you love = new relationship

    Mother = old relationship

    falling, and died = failure, departure

    Son was there = witness

    Basically, this dream is about some sort of relatonship. Subconsciously you are telling yourself you are trying to giving up the old relationhip (it may not be your mom or husband) and you can't communicate with ( your mom can't talk). And you find it hard to do it and so you project departure or death for your mom. I have a feeling the man you love is actually the old relatonship. You can't be with him because of marriage so in you dream, all the roles get mixed up. However, your real husband is not in the scene because he is hidden and your mom replaced his role.

    Yes subconsciously you want to do it and you don;t want to do it. You also project your son to be your witness and he is there to warn you and remind you that you should stay with your old relationship (which is in this case your husband).

    Dreams are tricky sometimes. However, it is all from our mnds. In you case, you reflect your anxiety about marriage. You are reminding yourself not to cheat on your hubby.

    The reason you project your Mom as old relationship or marriage because she is the closest one to you. And yet you don't want to project your husband in the scene because the man you love is there. I think I make this clear in this case.

    I could be wrong, but this is how I see from your dream

    Source(s): Many best answers in dream and God's given insight
  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps the real reason you don't leave your husband is that you are worried about honoring your MOTHER's beliefs, as much as-if not more than-your marriage vows.

    This would explain why you would dream about her demise in the same dream as the one whereyou have apparently chosen which man to be with. Your son holding her hand is a sign of your guilt, I think. You might be worried that your son agrees with your mom about staying with his dad.

    However, you would do well to remember that your mom is probably stronger than you're giving her credit for. If you chose to leave your husband to be happier, I promise, it will not snap her neck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, that is a doozy. The only thing I can think of is that your Mom's death is symbolic of the tragedy that could ensue if the this other man's love is pursued. It could be that you know that you must act now to put to rest this extra-marital consideration before something really bad occurs. Not sure why your son was in the dream, other than just a constant reminder of how important your family really is.

  • 1 decade ago

    stick with the images in the dream: the scaffolding, the people who are there, etc. let them be who they are.

    personally, i fancy the pun "adding stories" to my house, meaning not only levels, but narratives. there are significant stories of differing levels in this dream, unlikely to have one meaning.

    fill in some blanks, if you can recall? was there any communication on the scaffold? how did it come about that your mom fell?

  • 1 decade ago

    we tend to dream about things in our subconscious. it seems to me that your dream was about people you care about.

    the guy---you say you are in love with

    son---you are around the most

    mom---perhaps you talked to her that very day

    (maybe when your mom fell---she was trying to tell you to get over this guy you are in love with. perhaps spend more time turning your attention to your husband---seeking out the good so you can fall in love with him. ???not really sure)

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