HELP! Job Search Question?

I have been looking for a new job for about 2.5 months. I've been using Careerbuilder, Craigslist, and to find leads, and then sending my resume directly to the company whenever possible.

So far, I've gotten only two interviews, and as of today, those two jobs were passed to other candidates. I absolutely HATE my current job, since they have this ridiculous rule that I can't have a promotion that I earned (title-wise and work-wise) financially until my evaluation in November.

Are there any other outlets? I'm working on getting an entry-level HR job. I have an English degree and two years of professional office experience.


Favorite Answer

What can I say - Be patient! At least you have had 2 interviews in 2.5months. You are considered lucky. I have had a worst time than you. Continue to send out your resumes. For HR, you may want to consider taking some courses in the meantime. Without a HR cert, it is impossible to get a HR job. Believe me, I've tried umpteen times. My major was in psychology and I have many years of admin work experience.


You sound like me, I hate my job too.I have been going to school and going out on a internship soon. You can also try temp. agencies some hire for long term and its away to get out of where your at and your foot in the door somewhere else.


Best option--Grab your resumé and start pounding the pavement and knocking on doors
-Still the best way -They'll remember a real person before a form