Do anti-Palin people know she is not running for President?

Since being nominated and looking at a good number of the questions here on yahoo answers I wonder if people know she is not running against Senator Obama. Why do people feel the need to attack someone they do not know in such a brutal manner? Is the Governor from Alaska such a threat to the Obama/Biden ticket? If so then how? If McCain/Palin can beat Obama/BIden then why attack with such vitriol?


I know the vice President is next in line if the President dies. That is not in question. What I want to know is why do people feel the need to attack, attack, attack someone they do not know. I've seen people call Palin the "B" word, defame her children and say really bad things about her family and her. How is talking that way going to convince some one she is not for the job? Why hasn't anyone looked at Joesph Bidens credentials yet? He's been in office longer then McCain so how would he bring "change"?

karen star2008-09-10T15:40:21Z

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I have not attacked her, and on at least one occasion I said, "Senator Obama said leave the family alone. Please leave the family alone."
I'm aware that she is a candidate for the position of Vice President.

Are you aware that we've had a number of presidents die in office, one after catching pneumonia at his own inauguration. Are you aware that John McCain will be 73 in January, which would make him the oldest first term president in the nation's history if he is to win? Are you aware that according to actuarial tables a 73 year-old-male has a more than 3 percent chance of dying that year? When an American male is 74, the chance goes up to nearly 4%. At 75, the chance goes up to just less than 5%.

My effort isn't to point out that old people die, but rather that Vice Presidents are sometimes called on to serve as President. Questions about her ability, policy, record, and judgment are just as legitimate for her as they are for Obama, Biden, and McCain.

Edit _ Your added information asks why people haven't asked for Biden's credentials. You are not serious in that, are you? McCain doesn't bring up Biden's qualifications because Biden is eminently qualified. He's got a squeaky clean reputation, a solid established history, and family values in ACTION, not just in words. He also is so well grounded that he rode the train home a couple of times a week even though he could easily have had a car drive him home or he could have kept an apartment in DC to avoid the commute completely. Obama doesn't bring up Biden's credentials because he doesn't have to. Obama had the good judgement to include a known quantity on the ticket. Questions about an unknown quantity would be nothing other than reasonable.

margaret h2008-09-10T16:24:50Z

There was a study released today that now 70% of Americans think that the media is actively promoting the election of Barack Obama.
That's up from 51% just a couple of weeks ago.

This is probably driving a backlash against the media and also against the Obama campaign, Democrats, and Obama himself.
Anything they hear on the news is suspect and they're furious at the attacks on Palin.

The biggest problem is that the Democrats and the Obama campaign totally missed the point on Palin.
They are attacking her as a "woman."
That's part of it. But only a part.
Palin is part of the ordinary American FAMILY.
The regular person out there in Middle America.
The "typical white person" that Obama dissed a few months ago.
The "bitter" person that Democrats really thinks IS bigoted, and "clinging" to guns and bibles and won't vote for someone who "doesn't look like them," xenophobic, homophobic, and all that insulting crap.
They don't like these people. They're just like Bush.
They can't stand the thought of them running the country for another four years.
This drives them to madness.
They don't have any idea how to react because they have no respect for their opponents.
They really think these people are stupid and beneath them.

When Obama, Biden, surrogates, liberal women, Democrats, the media, etc., attack Palin, they are insulting Middle America.
Middle America is fighting back.
They're going to vote for McCain/Palin.
They'll show the media and Obama.


Palin would never have been picked if she were a man. The Republican party plays mean, hypocritical political games to the max. She has done nothing but "attack, attack, attack"...

Whatever happened to the - I believe it is What Jesus WOULD Do - higher good of all people? I am so tired of the self-righteous GOP party. Not the party of Abraham LIncoln. Jesus - and I'm not religious - was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor. God bless the USA...


She is a threat to the Obama/Biden ticket. 30% of undecided female voters and women who were Hilary supporters are now going to vote for McCain because of Palin. The Republican ticket was pretty boring in my mind and Palin brought it some excitement. Personally, I think voting for someone because of their sex or race is stupid.

The candidates are sticking to the issues and seem to have laid off personal attacks unlike many of the voters. The personal attacks here on Yahoo are no different then they've ever been. Ain't America great? PS: I'm voting for Obama.


She is next in line to be president and considering McCain's age and health that is a very pertinent concern. Also, everyone running for office is being attacked by someone else with brutality and vitriol, why should she be spared? ALSO, Palin is attacking others with brutality and vitriol herself. That's politics, baby.

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