Julian T
Favorite Answer
there both harmful and positive.
Sickle cell is a genetic disorder;
the genes are recessive, and are from sex cells; sperm and egg.
Meaning that sickle cell are genes received from both parents.
If you are asking;
What mutation that reult in sickle cell anemia effects are produce?
Red blood cells change form from a donut shape to a sickle shape (if you don't know what a sickle shape is picture breaking a donut).
That is exactly what happens; the red blood cells become irregular shape (mutate).
These defective red blood cells (sickle cell) carries less oxygen, die quicker and may cause a (traffic jam) clog up the arteries resulting in fatigue, weakness and pain.
This pain or sickle cell crises can occur anywhere in the body. (Red blood cells travels everywhere in the body).
The end result is lack of oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs.
It was thought that people having sickle cell would not live pass 20.
Now they believe most people with sickle cell will not live past 40.
I have sickle cell anemia and I am 40!
When I go to the emergency department due to agonizing pain,
the doctors worry about lack of oxygen in my chest area.
Not having oxygen in the chest area (Acute Chest Syndrome) is why many people with sickle cell die.
If you are asking what mutation caused sickle cell; that is unknown, if that were known then a cure would be found.
Most scientists believe that sickle cell is the mutation of cells to adapt to Malaria.
Malaria is predominating in Africa; thus most people having sickle cell are black.
Not all but most.