I have some tiny (cherry size) apples, often known as crabapples: What is the best way to peel and core them?
If I want to peel and core a whole bunch of the little buggers to make apple pie, what would be the best, easiest, quickest way to do it? They are tiny, so the "normal" methods and tools for peeling and coring "standard"-sized apples wouldn't work. Any experience, ideas, suggestions?
It is a ridiculous notion (and an "old wives tale") that crabapples are poisonous or will make you sick. Eating a lot of unripe fruit or fruit that has been lying on the ground certainly can cause problems. In general, all apples are poisonous to some extent, or at least will make you feel sick if eaten in sufficient quantities. (I know this from MY experience when I tried out a "cleansing" diet consisting primarily of only consuming apple juice at regular intervals for several days.) I know that if I eat an apple for breakfast, I will feel lousy for several hours! But there are recipes for crabapple jelly, crabapple pie, and even cider that includes crabapples.
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