Help with Medicare- which choice?

I'll be 65 next month. Which is the most common choice of the programs that are offered?

sage seeker2008-09-18T04:05:31Z

Favorite Answer

I don't know the most common choice, however I chose Part A [automatic]; Part B which covers major medical outpatient; and Part D prescription plan...I have Advantix and pay $40+ per mo which comes out of my check for 'scripts which cost me around $2 a prescription. So far so good...Only had the initial co payment on Part B of $100+ at the doctor's and since most charges have been paid with the exception of a couple that cost me under $50.


D is the prescription plan, which you would take unless you belong to a HMO. The one thing to be careful of is the how many medicines you take and how much they are. I was going to take AARP which is fairly good for addition to A&B. I will start Medicare 11-1 of this year. By adding up the totals for my medicines by April I would be in the hole or whatever they call it, which means that I would have to pay the full amt if my medicines, till I reached about $4000.00, then it goes into catastrophic coverage. At that moment I decided to stay with my HMO. So make a list of your drugs. There is no coverage for the donut hole. If you have a HMO stick with it.


I'll be 65 in March. As ex-govt, worker, we are advised to get parts A and B, but not D as A and B are better coverage, but I don't know if that is accurate.

mister ed2008-09-17T13:59:14Z

a and b are a no brainier -=- d depends on how many meds you take and if you have any other kind of drug plan like tricare!!!