What do you say of Rufffled Feathers?

Ruffled Feathers

Wage a war
With a few chosen words
Kick up a fuss
Storm brewing and
ducks in a row
Shooting gallery time
Feathers flying
Clean up will be very slow


Thanks Eva you nailed it!

Evadne Soleil2008-09-18T09:33:07Z

Favorite Answer

Do mine eyes deceive me, am I reading far too much into this, or does it seem very much like a political commentary, what with the ruffled feathers and the ridiculous bickering without focusing on the issues at hand. Yes, clean up will be very slow, and they might not have "one nation/under God" at the end of it. Poignant and powerful.


I say I enjoy Ruffled Feathers almost as much as I enjoy ruffling feathers :]

Andrew M2008-09-18T18:26:11Z

Political jabbing not with standing ,,,,,,,,,,

I like to ruffle a few feathers every now and then,,,,It does the heart wonders!!!

© ♪♫♪ tori ♫♪♫2008-09-19T08:06:14Z

I think it is perfect!

When writers wage war against those who cannot create with the Imagination in which we live, they are at a great disadvantage.

When writer and writer wage war, you are apt to find some powerful literature from the battle.

Writers always win in wars of words.


You've been at the Arnald Amric vintage again, July22 /1209 version, Beziers.

Great lines..

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