Question for those who breed dogs?

If you answers are helpful fine if you coming by to leave a nasty remark get a life, no one is interested in what you have to say!

My question is this Have you ever had another female along with the one that is going to have pups( they are usually together all the time) It also seems to me she wants her around, in the same room with her, just would like to know the safe thing to do!

Do you think it would be safe for the new mother and pups to have the company of the female? ( The female dog is the mother of the one about to have pups)

If you have had any experience in this please reply--thank you!


Very impressed with all these wonderful helpful answers with insight and suggestions! It is nice to see except for 1 and hopefully, it will be the last, people trying to help people, makes a nicer world!


This what I ended up doing so ***** in labor could see her mother ,I had put 2 separate xplaypens together so they could see each other, but not in the same pen!--Lo and behold I now have 4 brand new pups( she went into labor 3 days early)What did happen is when she gave birth to one pup, she wanted to be alone, (except for me with her) So of course granted this and no other dogs were with her at this stage--how did I know this she was picking up the first born with her mouth and looking for a place to hide it. So I transfered her in another room by herself and she settled down and had 3 more! Thank You so much for all your answers! Wish I could have picked more than just one!


Favorite Answer

What does you breed mentor say? You do have one right?

Secondly your best bet no matter how friendly they are now is to keep any and all dogs away from mom and the pups after they are born. for at least 3 weeks. You don't want to risk the other female harming the pups nor do you want the mother to be stressed to the point she kills the pups.


I`m not a breeder but I have birthed 3 litters . I had 3 female dogs. The youngest one was having puppies. One of the dogs was the mother of the pregnant dog. I decided too keep one of the pups. As soon as those came the 3 females fought to the death. I could not leave the Mom and the Grandmom in the same room. They always got along before. So in my experience two females don`t get along well especially with pups around. Good Luck


I have had females jump in with other pups and neither cared and others who didn't want another dog too near.My suggestion would be if the dog and pups are in your eyesight and the other dog wants to be near and mom dog doesn't mind let it be.I really feel they should not be left unsupervised.A crying pup could upset mom and she may attack the other dog for protection of her pups even if the other dog isn't doing anything.Dogs could be hurt and pups hurt or killed in the squabble.An exercise pen with whelping box can work so other dog can see mom and pups but not have any close access to them.

♥Love Herds♥2008-09-18T21:43:44Z

I know it's very normal for any lactating female to nurse any set of pups, whether hers, or otherwise. Perhaps she's just interested in the changes in body chemistry, and the smells, and she knows pups are on the way. Although I'm certain it has nothing to do with "safety" or her grand-pups being related.


Hi my parents own a kennal for breeding Sibeian Huskies. When they are pregnant we usually keep them with thier kennal mates untill they give birth. After the delivery the mother usually gets over protective of her babies, and then will begin to fight with other females. So my advice to you is just simply keep an eye on them some dogs are different and might want the company.

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