Would you consider this a humorous poem?

Alright people what do we have here

Oh sir I see you raised your hand
What do you call this animal
Ok sir answer this question
Well to me it looks like a Donkey
Very good and sir it is also called
an ***, what is this animal called
Thats right it is a called a Ram or Goat
So lets look see what we have right now

A Donkey is also an ***
A Ram is also a Goat
So my question to you is this

Why do they call a Ram in the
*** a--- Goose?

Bob M. Georgia2008-09-20T15:57:08Z

Favorite Answer

At first I thought this was a political poem until I realized there was no elephants.

I'm so glad the humor in here has picked up... loved what you did with this.


I liked it - a great piece of fun - for the morning. Well done ♥


Ha ha!

This is the ruminant of humor, I mean rudiment...

© ♪♫♪ tori ♫♪♫2008-09-20T01:10:52Z

Yes; it's not uproariously funny, but it does bring a chuckle.

Kevin S2008-09-20T03:49:49Z

It may not be overly humorous...but it's certainly punny :)

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