Does the current financial crisis make you want to know how the economy works?

I figure the more we know about the economy, the quicker we can spot financial disasters before they happen.
As well as complain to local, state, and federal governments in greater numbers to make sure politicians will get off their asses and help us.


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It doesn't really matter how much we "know" or understand.

The rules have changed and Congress has been bought and paid for by corporations.

The only time the government pretends to listen is pre-election, then they go right back to working for the mega corps, while running our bosses out of business.

The root "cause" of this fiasco is loss of good paying jobs and continuous importation of cheaper foreign labor coupled with the fake dot com buildup and then the housing bubble.

Meanwhile the sheep are watching their jobs and futures go bye bye, and all we do is continue playing the "us vs them" blame game.

Until we realize that government has no business in our personal lives, and then realize that they are keeping us divided to distract us from the theft of our American Dream.

I fear, it is already too late, but the sheep haven't even figured out their is a real problem. By the time they get outraged, it will be too late.

Ah well, it was good while it lasted.