Now that the Patriots will start to lose more games, how long until Randy Moss starts whining?

Just wondering how many losses 'til he 'plays when he wants to play' and his attittude and hustle dwindles? I'm a Viking fan in MN and I've seen it before.


I didn't see any of the Miami game. Just guessing based on history.

Todd L2008-09-23T02:39:56Z

Favorite Answer

Not too long now, I am also waiting for when the Cowboys start a bad stretch and T.O. starts whining too. Both of them are great receivers but they are both babies if they have any controversy they are no better than a seven year old not getting their way. But I would say Moss will start acting out in about 3 more games like the last one, and Moss will start pouting. .


He starts crying after the 3rd loss and it appears the Pats wont make the Super Bowl. He'll piss off Billichek then Bill will cut his *** then Moss will be a Cowboy next year.

The Colt Brennan Cult Leader2008-09-23T04:18:38Z

after week 6, when its obvious that a Brady-less patriot team will not be playing in January

Jay L2008-09-23T01:51:20Z

Do you want that answer in exact numbers, or can I round it to the nearest minute?

Okay, 27 minutes from....



probably the next time the pats lose

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