How to find a job when I have no references ?

I have been looking for a job everywhere. I have applied a at any jobs I could find . I put in applications everywhere but no luck. I have no recent employment references as my last two employers went out of business and we moved to a new town for my husbands new job and now it is all my fault we are having money problems. What ca ni do to make myself more employable


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The companies that went out of business are you still in contact with your employers? They can still offer you a reference even if they are no longer working at the same company that you worked at together.

List anyone from your old town that they could contact. I just moved because of my boyfriend's job and only had references from out of town.

You can also sign up to as many employment/ temp agencies as you possibly can.

List personal references, people that have known you for years and would be able to say what sort of person you are, what your habits are like.

Have you done any work for someone that you didn't get paid for? Office filing, babysitting, typing, faxing, anything that you could consider professionally related? You could always put them as a professional reference as well. Even if you did something that doesn't really relate to what you are applying for, you can still put that reference down. At least it would show what type of worker you are, even if it's not in the same field.

How long have you been out of school, would a professor be a reference for you? Have you been on any committees in the past or volunteered for any orgaizations or events?

Some other tricks that I have been taught over the years have been to make your resumé stand out from the others, thicker paper, colour, etc. Keep calling back to make sure they have recieved your resumé. Add a cover letter that completely wow's them. Include things on your resumé that would be different and unique (I used to play underwater hockey so that is on my resumé). List things you are good at, typing, computer software, computer operating systems, etc. List things you are interested in (interesting in sales and marketing).

I know what I've put is fairly generic. Every resumé is different. It is really hard, to find a job, even with references. I've listed a couple links below that might give some more insite too (I know one's for college students, but when you don't have a lot of references, I thought it might be a close situation). I hope I've been of some help. Best of luck to you :)




have you been home with kids or are you just a few years out of high school. People understand this. Go to a teacher & see if they will give you a reference. They can write that you were a nice person who helped others & always on time & got good grades & you would be a good employee for example....can you join something to get to know people so they can get to know you. We have to have contacts in life for this reason....Listen you are not the fault for your financial problems things happen in life & the reasons are all kinds so you let go of that burden it is not going to help you feel good about yourself which will help you get a job. If you find you are not getting anything, ask for an interview. then tell the person you have had a hard time because of your lack of references. Tell them you have lived some place for a long tiem or been married a long time or had the same friend since 8th grade. look for things that show you have stability & can be trusted. If they just would give you a chance they would see but you need a chance. They might have had the same problem & think it was gutsy of you to ask & it shows you are a worker to have done that. You are going to be fine. There are many ways to do somthing.


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How to find a job when I have no references ?
I have been looking for a job everywhere. I have applied a at any jobs I could find . I put in applications everywhere but no luck. I have no recent employment references as my last two employers went out of business and we moved to a new town for my husbands new job and now it is all my fault we...


Go to the local Department of Labor in your area. They often have training classes, etc. Some even have programs like "Displaced Homemakers". Anyway, some will help you find jobs that way. The job center will also help you write up a resume and perhaps help you with what to do about not having current references. Try signing up with a temp agency.

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