The Bailout: Good idea or a bad idea? Why?
I know very little about economics, but I think this depression is happening regardless, let the rich boys suffer with us.
I know very little about economics, but I think this depression is happening regardless, let the rich boys suffer with us.
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It is a no-choice decision, but there had better be 700 billion safeguards so we, the taxpayers, don't get screwed over
Bad idea, I Dont like this theory, but it is hard to dispute....
First they planned and drew up plans to invade Iraq and Afghanistan
Second they let happen/created a terrorist attack to get special powers over the Constitution and people by the formation of a World monitoring structure while attached to the Military Industrial Complex
Third - they planned and executed this entire collapse of the American loan and banking debt system for the purpose of handing the entire monetary and loan system of our Nation over to the privately owned Federal Reserve.
The fourth step is coming - Food control and rationing along with free trips to the FEMA camps for dissenters in time of declared Martial Law.
The goal of all of this is to get one step closer to a one World currency by using a bailout system with Canada and Mexico in the so-called conspiracy called "The North American Union". They created the collapse and now act and look like our saviors.
From there you have the Amero - and the Euro!
All national leaders involved will then agree that it is in the best interest of all World citizens to join those two currencies together creating one currency.
Its all about the wealth and power and nothing about our security from terror or financial collapse!
We patriots have been warning about this for 7 years and it was denied - but - here it is and in your face.
Good in the immediate future, but bad long term. If they let the corporations lay in their graves it will cause temporary economic chaos but it will eventually balance itself out and if left alone stay that way. They want to prolong it but it's inevitable.
Bad idea, too complex to explain on yahoo answers, I'd have to sit down and talk to you in person.
Robert K2010
I think its the right thing but I really dont like it at all.