How's a "Suspended Campaign" Any Different?

Yesterday, John McCain made a big deal of suspending his campaign. But he still met with Lady de Rothschilde, former Clinton fundraiser. He still did interviews on all three networks. He still sent surrogates out on all the talk shows to diss Obama.

How are we supposed to tell the difference between this and campaigning?


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I hope he suspends it until after the election.


Well, in the primary campaign, "suspending" one's campaign really meant that one was dropping out of the race. For McCain, unfortunately, one can only hope...


Good question. I think it is a campaign stunt. He got people believing it's country first but it's all about the election.


You got me on that one! and I now think it's a plan to tire out Obama, so he's delirious by tomorrow's debate. He look so tire as he was taking questions from everybody on the bailout plan.....BUT NO McCain.


Because reality matters, much like some people also say Obama doesn't want to ban guns when he has actually voted to do so.

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