Does experience matter in this debate? ?

Mccain lacks charisma; Obama does not. If Mccain won on the substance of the issues are we so petty as to chose the charismatic instead of the practical?

sorry sista2008-09-26T20:01:36Z

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Yes, it should matter. Unfortunately, there's the crowd that is swayed by outward appearances and the liberal media/education system.

Halo Mom2008-09-26T20:04:34Z

I listened to the debate
I think that was important
I think McCain did better in the debate

I think McCain won, for one reason only
McCain got Obama to say several time, John is right

Debating classes in JR High, you will lost the debate if you said the other side is right.

I do not think Obama will make that mistake twice

I did not watch the debate. For what I understand, Obama came across better on TV. He still lost the first time he admitted John was right.
The fact that McCain had him say that more than once, he won the debate

They both held there own

the Ol' Foolosifer2008-09-26T20:32:54Z

In a debate, NO! but in office experience should be a must.
To the normal, non-lunatic intelligent voter, we would overlook the charismatic idiot and pick the practical, but that is not the average American voter. Many of them will vote as they have always voted because they are D. or R. or I. They vote party lines, I think, because they are too lazy to listen to their party's man and too stupid and or ignorant to choose by using their own minds.
I have only voted a near straight ticket one time in my life and that was in 1960, my first election. I voted for one republican and the rest democrat.
From that day forward I have listened to what each have said and voted as I felt as to which was telling the most truth and would help us more.


The first time I saw a few seconds of Obama back in 2004, I knew he would be the dems next big politician. How did two minutes give me that impression? Because I knew they would go off charisma more than anything. They have no idea how he will make change and how he has made any kind of change in any position he has been in. But he seems like a really nice guy... which he probably is. But he is a great talker and that is it.

coco d2008-09-26T20:05:25Z

McCain Kicked Obama's rear .... I was shocked and terrified and literally removed my Obama sign from my yard.

Yes Mcain voted down solar and garbage back then but look at the pork in those proposals...Obama do your homework first...Obama during the debate helped Mccain big time by bring up those bills which proves that even a bill with the best intentions that is loaded down with ear marks that have nothing to do with the bill need to be vetoed.... You want clean energy then send a bill without earmarks and pork and maybe for the first time in history every elected official will vote in favor...

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