Does anyone believe Sarah Palin is qualified?

Does anyone seriously believe Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President (with a fairly high chance of being President, given McCain's age and health issues in the past).

A few weeks ago she did not even know what a VP does (how can anyone not know what power a VP can wield, given that the US has just lived through 8 years of VP Cheney being a major political force in the Bush administration?).

Please not I am NOT talking about the 'experience' issue. I am talking about ability, intellect, fitness for office. From what I have seen, Sarah Palin could have been Governor of Alaska for a decade, she simply does not have the intellectual ability to be President.

If you disagree with me, please say why. You may agree with Palin's political stance (very rightwing conservative) but I cannot understand how ayone could think she is the best person to be VP for the Republicans. I know McCain thought he needed a woman (to pick up disaffected Hillary supporters) and an anti-abortionist (to placate the conservatives) but surely there was a smarter woman in the Republican party who could have done the job? Or a man? I am just shaking my head at McCain's judgment in picking someone who clearly is not qualified...

If you think Sarah Palin is qualified, please say why. Don't turn this into an anti-Obama rant, speak positively about Palin. Don't talk about whether two years as Governor is enough 'experience', because I am not asking about that. I am talking about ABILITY - do you think she has it?


Interesting that the first two responses are unable to speak positively about Palin, and simply say she is better than Obama. Well, why???


Very interesting comments starting to come in now, thanks. Please keep it pro-Palin not anti-Obama, if you are a Palin supporter. If you are not a Palin supporter, your views are still very welcome.


Favorite Answer

Yes, she is more than qualified. Being grilled by an Obama shill on a hostile news show only shows her gumption. You quote refuted, out of context items. She did a great job in Alaska & she'll do a great job in DC.


I have known several Harvard graduates. Most of whom hardly had enough sense to get out ot the rain. Getting through Harvard or getting in does not require very much intelligence. It is what you do with the knowledge you gain. BO has done nothing other than be a community organizer and get the Black community up in arms against the white. Sarah Palin at least has morals. BO believes in all sorts of perverted sex acts and lying is most advanced skill.


More than Obama.. and according the the US Constitution they both qualify to run.
Im glad the liberal element havent completely ruined it yet.

She is the ONLY blue collar representation on either ticket.. If I want some to represent me and my views why does it always have to be an Ivy league elitist.

Silent Gams2008-09-29T05:06:36Z

Her incompetence is only out-shined by her shear stupidity.
Man, that b*tch ain't got NO brains!

What if Obama was like she?

What foul and unmentionable sh*t would these same Palin supporting pundits and posters be spouting about HIM?

Double f*cking standard! Why?!?

Her femininity? Her Caucasianess? Her Republicaness?

An entire Party that can't be true to itself is a lost cause.


Governor of a huge state, mayor of an American town and a Patriot whose son is serving in the military. When we tell our children they can become anything even president, here's your proof. Why does one need to attend an ivy league school and have tons of connections in Washington to be a leader? Why does having the money to attend these schools make one the perfect status quo to be president or vice president? Why does a women have to support abortion or the fall of the American family to be strong? Why can't a women be a mother and a leader? Is that not what we have been fighting for with the womens movement? For sure you can not believe that a mom cant have a brain too? Further more she is a strong speaker and stands tall. She is really a good choice if you look closely at this. She represents many women in America who still believe in God, Country and Family. These beliefs don't make us weak, just American.

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