Want to hear an amazing Yahoo Answers / Ramadan / Eid story?

OK... Just before Ramadan this year I joined YA.
We have been trying for a baby for some time.
I came on YA Egypt to ask if anyone know the best ART Assisted Reproduction Clinic in Maadi / Cairo.
I had excellent answers and one angel in particular contacted me, gave me the clinic name AND made it possible for me to get straight in to see the Doctor who had no vacant appointments until November.
I saw the doc soon ( a couple fo days later) and I was fortunate to be able to start the treatment quickly.
My operation was on Ist day of Ramadan. We prayed hard for two weeks. I have strong faith but my hopes were realistic as I was told there was at most a 20% chance of pregnancy - maybe less.
So now... it is early days but...inshaallah I pray that after 9 months will hold this baby in my arms
Today on 29th day of Ramadan I went for an ultrasound scan and
I saw and heard my baby's heart beat!!
Allahu akbar
Pray for me my friends
Thank God for YA!
Happy Eid :-)


I'm overwhelmed by these answers and feel truly blessed by so many angels. Of course I will keep you updated and I am quite lonely here in Egypt so feel like I suddenly found this huge family. Every single one of your answers is beauiful and heartfelt. I feel so much goodness and love. There is so much criticism of the internet but this experience gives so many positive vibes and so much hope.


@ Sabrina - Odile and Odette - that's amazing - I'm glad you gave your daughter the name of the good swan!! Mabrook


Thank you Hope and Reiko and ALL of you for your beautiful answers...
Thank you AA for helping me so much


Favorite Answer

Mabrouk Mashallah

Im crying for you with all the joy in the world - I hope you dont mind but i have just sent thanks a million times to the doctor as her son was just on the phone in my home. Ya Raab we want to see the first photos and come eat sweets with you

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALLAH AKBAR May your child be a blessed and pious Muslim xxxx

@Reiko thanks a lot for your kind words -


Eid Mubarak


congratulations that's a lovely story i bet you're so thrilled.
and the good news is that for some strange reason once your body has got pregnant it seems to find it a lot easier a second time round as well. its almost as if it had some practice and now it finds it much easier. so when/if you want a second baby you should not have too much trouble.
i will give you a similar story, my daughter has been trying to have a baby for 2 years, last feb my husband and i took all our family 7 altogether on holiday to luxor ( my fav destination) my daughter had not had a holiday for almost 2 years as she had been saving all her money for treatment. but i insisted as i felt she needed to relax and enjoy herself. We stayed in a lovely hotel and she and her partner
(and the rest of the family) started to relax and i could visibly see her stop worrying, eating better and enjoying herself. when we got home after a few weeks she found she was pregnant. and i am expecting to be a grandmother in November. MAGIC eh?
oh and i dont know if odile is your real name i would guess not but my daughters name is odette......... the swan twins!


Alf alf alf mabrouk.... rabena yetamem 3la kheir YARAB.

I wish you a peacful and uneventful pregnancy and may you have an easy delivery ISA.

As for the angels on this site, there are a lot of those around Alhamdulelah. Bless you both, one for helping and the other for remembering and saying this beautiful heartfelt thank you.


Kol sana wenty tayeba ISA after 9 full months we will be saying alf mabrouk and maybe even helping you to choose a name.

Lily of the Valley - thank you for reporting me :)2008-09-29T11:24:16Z

congratulations dear Odile!
i wish you to give birth to a healthy child, God willing.
may God bless your child, you and your husband.
i'm sure that all from egypt section will pray for you.

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