Why doesn't Sarah Palin discuss AIP, where her husband Todd was a member?

"If Palin is going to say this, it is now perfectly legitimate to point out that she repeatedly courted a secessionist group founded by someone who openly professed hatred of the American government, cursed our flag, and wanted to secede from the Union. Sarah's husband, Todd Palin, was a member of this group, which continues to venerate that founder to this day, for years." (TPM)




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This is very much correct, I read about it myself in Washington Post.


I love the Repubicans putting stuff about Obama and the Socialist party. Even if this was true Socialist don't hate the government. Whether you agree with their methods or not they just want the best for the American people. They don't want to be seperated from the US. They love the US. The Palins are confused power hungry people. They have backed and supported the AIP for years. But as soon as she gets the chance to be on the Presidental ticket she jumps at it. Make up your mind Sarah, do you want to separate yourself from America or possibly be the President? Go wherever the power is girl!!! Weak!!


Because then she would need to admit that she had personally and very recently taken an active role in a treasonous organisation??

Treason is a capital crime in the US is it not?

I wonder how Pro Death penalty she would be under those circumstances???


A person could try to pin anything on someone if they go far enough back in the past. But usually the connections between candidates and outlaw groups are superficial or coincidental. Anyways, forget about the horserace between these two corporate candidates. They're sellouts. Vote third party for REAL change.


Very interesting and I'm not surprised at all. What would you expect of Republican-Neocons-Fascists.

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