Christmas List Help!?

My parents are going shopping next Monday for my Christmas gifts. The only things I could come up with are new cutting boards, a memory card for my new camera and a new photo printer. They really like buying me gifts. I've asked for cash before, but they really like the look of surprise on my face when I open the gifts. I'm 29 years old and buy most of the stuff on my own. Any help you can give me on ideas would be great!

Thanks in advance!

Elf Girl2008-10-06T07:58:35Z

Favorite Answer

a new pair of shoes
a better word software or something for ur comp
spa stuff - lotion, body wash, in yummy smells
pot of bulbs 4 spring

it's so nice of ur parents 2 do that! whatever they get u, be sure 2 appriciate it.


Think of some things that you want, but don't want to pay for.

What about gift cards??

New dishes, bedding, bathroom sets, furniture, groceries, cell phone