Or would this be OK because it is for a cause that you believe in.
Seriously, what are the opinions of people on this board about this incident?
Whereas I know that the founding fathers intended no separation of church and state, as defined by the SCOTUS, I am well aware that the SCOTUS did, indeed, create such a separation.
What I am addressing is the blatant blurring of that line, as described in the article.
Would some of you be as tolerant of this action, and as quick to defend it, if it was reported that an Evangelical, or Baptist church was doing the same thing?
In the interest of attacking Christians, and me (which is no sweat to me), you've avoided the question.
Thrice Blessed2008-10-07T13:18:23Z
Favorite Answer
Its not okay, it is in violation of the law. Religious groups are not, by law, restricted from talking about politics, but they are restricted from publicly supporting one candidate over the other.
The separation of church and state IS a myth. The establishment clause only tells the government to keeps its nose out of the church, not the other way around. However, other laws have been passed regarding supporting candidates, and this religious group is violating those laws. They should give up their tax exempt status, then they would be free to campaign all they want.
What is being done does seem to be against the law, though I question the bias of the article writer. It doesn't seem to be very objective. My favorite part is at the end:
"Spencer contends that if a group called "Christians for John McCain" claimed to be non-partisan and ran a registration drive in churches, it would be all over the media and create a huge scandal and embarrassment for the McCain campaign."
First of all, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is covertly or even overtly being done throughout the country. You can't honestly tell me that there isn't a single preacher, pastor, deacon, or religious figure of any kind out there influencing his congregation's vote. Also, it seems that this MAFO scam has been brought to light by this article, clearly with the intent of creating a "huge scandal and embarrassment for the Obama campaign".
First, I think I should get it out there that I believe churches should be taxed, as they are businesses. Second, I believe that if they are in fact breaking rules, they should stop. Period.
However, It is easy enough to see that republicans no longer play by the rules, and to even the playing field it does make sense to cheat as your opponent cheats. Are you at all aware of how many churches publically denounce democracy while promoting republican candidates?
Of course, if I were president, I would certainly move to eliminate tax exempt status as its an archaic bend to religious factorization.
I would love to have you understand by having another religion crammed down your throat, values and all. Put you on the recieving end of the oppression you so desire.
There is no room in this country for church. Get on the Space Shuttle and we will go out and look for heaven. While we are drilling for oil let's find hell down there somewhere. Get real dude. Muslims and Christians squabbling is like the followers of the tooth fairy and the easter bunny fighting. If you leave your ancient beliefs in your house when you leave and don't tell any of us about them during the day. Then and only then will we begin to progress. We know there is no God to interfere in your destroying the planet. But if you believe, then try your best to live like Jesus did. Do only good to others. The only times Jesus blew it was around republicans read Mathew 21:12 When the nasty republicans were trying to profit from the general public. Wake up and join the world. You cannot live outside of the world. Love thy neighbor. I remember so many so called Christians cheering when those two boys were blown up and again cheering when their father was hanged. How disgusting. You should grieve for a woman who lost three family members whom she loved dearly. Love and compassion is what Jesus taught. Not celebrating senseless murder and jumping up and down cheering "We got Saddam" What evil people. You show me a Christian who lives like Jesus and I will listen to them. Until then keep your ideas of right and wrong away from me and my country!
This is a tough question for me as I do not want to see Obama as President. But, I believe as long as no one stops "Christians" for McCain was allowable it wanted. This also means if others wish to be "Christians" for Obama would likewise be acceptable. Christians should be active in politics and make sure they support the right candidates.