Obama will lower our taxes just like Clinton said he would do?

Bill Clinton got elected by promising a tax reduction on the working class, just like Obama. Bill instead raised taxes did a retro Tax and imposed fees on a lot of bills the the working class couldn't live without.
Bill also balanced the budget with short term loans that kicked in for repayment in 2006. If not for the dot com boom Bill would just look like another Carter.
If Obama is only lying to get elected, how will you feel about it.


brucec83, I will never forget that. Carter broke his campaign promises, Bush 1 as well, Clinton also did a 180. and Obama with his "not a dime more" for people under 250,000 will fall quickly. Look I am oldr than most people here. I watched JFK make Nixon look like a fool and then turn his back on his "winning block" so I know what this is. A McCain fan I am not but with Obama, all I can say is run for the hills.


Favorite Answer

clinton was the master of tax hikes as obama is too.

as president he will destroy our suffering economy


You forget the more famous line "Read my Lips.... No new taxes" That was spoken by George Bush Senior shortly before signing the biggest tax increase of the time.

If the American public could sue politicians for lying to them, politicians might be more careful about their campaign promises. As it is, just take politicians promises as an indication of the direction they would like to go in, not as something they will actually do.

DIANA JEFF GORDON FAN2008-10-08T03:57:53Z

You got it!
The shape our economy is in he is making a lot of promises he can not keep and if he does the economy will get worse
You are right about Carter if anyone remembers what this country was like then
i lived threw them years interest rates went 21%
I am a demo that will vote rep this year


the truth is that we are in debt, and which ever candidate takes office will have to cut spending and increase taxes in order to get us out of the hole. It's the simple truth, so don't believe anyone saying that they won't increase taxes, they will have to. Unless they want to be like George Bush Sr. " Read my lips, no new taxes" and we all know that wasn't true!!

Mark my words!


Taxes on the richest are lower now, and taxes on the middle class are higher now than when Clinton was in office. You need more of a history lesson.

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