My job is basically a work out, plus P90X?

Ok does having a job that you walk around and carry 50 pound things around for 4-6 hours interfeir any with doing the P90X work out program, should I add more food in a day because of my job or what should I do. I'm a bus boy.


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I usually lift when am at practice and then I go home and lift too, I just eat more at lunch to fuel my workout later that evening!!


You can certainly do P90X and be active. You will eat on the higher side of the calorie allocation since you burn more if you are looking to maintain your weight. Of course if you are looking to loose weight you can stay with what is says.

The program is designed to get you active. So any supplemental activity is great. You will actually find yourself being able to do your job better over time since your full body conditioning will be better.

Extra activity does not hurt at all. Do listen to your body and if you are feeling like you are not getting enough food (I doubt it since the nutrition plan is great) eat more. As long as you put good clean food in you you will be fine!

Congrats on starting the program! You will really like it I am sure.