Do adoptees judge other adoptees by their life circumstance? For example, foster-adopt adoptees versus internationally adopted adoptees?
It seems as though many people judge the adoptive parents (in here).
Favorite Answer
In real life my children know a lot of other adoptees and it doesn't seem like they judge each other. We have gone out of our way to make friends with other adoptive families of all kinds, thinking that way our children would have an adoptee support system of their peers ready to hand should they need it.
But now that you ask, I dread the idea that what I thought would be a support system for my children could turn into their being scorned as either lesser adoptees because of their circumstances or, if they are content with their adoptions their being dismissed as "fogged" adoptees.
I don't think any one is "better" or "worse" than me. I'm adopted (I was born in Korea and then adopted at 3 months by American parents) Everyone's story is different and special. I hope to adopt myself one day:) I commend anyone for opening their home to a child who needs one and providing them with a family.