American Election Concerns the whole world!So Choose Wisely!?

Am an iraqi, and i will tell you what do i think,

first of all, in some people's eyes in america, i am a terrorist just because am a muslim and iraqi...

well you have the right to view me as you like, but here is what i want to ask,

in the past 8 years, what did the republicans do for the world?
1.they destroy american economy and for that down goes world economy.
2.invaded iraq to fight terrorist...but now we have more terrorist in the world and getting stronger.
3.the mighty USA is in the verge of collapse, now don't tell me NO..coz it is!
4.Lame Bush government have became powerless to face china!
5.Done nothing to help fight global warming.
6.Spend billions for its illegal war, rather then secure its own people and its own country.
7.the number of house mortgage and unemployment went up like rockets in the US and its allies.
8.Most of the world became hatters for americans because they believe america have failed to show us a true democracy under Bush government.
9.For you guys who keep saying clinton was the problem for the economy, if it is so...what did Bush do to fix it?
10. the american gov. lied about allot of things..including Iraq's WOMD!
and finally

11. Obama want to change, and he is from another ideology, and he is a democrat...why stick on the same republican idiotisme for another 4 years?your votes means allot to the whole world!think wise before you vote!


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I want to preface this answer by saying I am a life long republican, however this is not a rah-rah McCain speech.

Now, let's take this point by point.

1) Yes the American economy is down and the republicans are 50% to blame. The democrats are the other 50% since they control the congress which creates the laws and policies. As for the rest of the wold's economy being affected, that is unfortunate. The total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the US is so large that ant change will affect other economies. The only way to lessen this affect is for the countries around the world to strengthen their own economies through free trade and capitalism. It really does work when government (both republicans and democrats) keep their hands out of it.

2) I do not know if invading Iraq was a good idea (probably not). Do we have more terrorists in the world? I would say no. I do not believe muslims are terrorists. I do not believe that people who fundamentally disagree with US policies are terrorists. What I believe is trhat terrorists brainwash young people into performing suicide bombings and the like to keep themselves in power. I believe they have a total disregard for the lives in innocents around the world (including both christians and muslims). I base this on the fact that more muslims are killed every year by terrorists than christians. They may appear stronger but, that is because of the access to the media. Remember the mainstream media slogan "If it bleeds it leads"

3) I will tell you no. The USA is going through some very tough times both socially and economically. It is not the first time and it will not be the last but, the american people has a great resolve. They know how to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get moving again. As a nation we will not quit no matter how bad it gets.

4) Even though I voted for Bush I have to agree Bush is so out of touch he does not know how to correct the problems he helped create and yes diplomacy with China is one of them. Unfortunately he gets zero help from congress. Did you know that congress has a 9% approval rating? That is way below the Bush approval rating which is very bad. In an attempt to save his lagacy, Bush is pandering to any one and every one. Congress which is controlled by democrats is even worse. Another question. Did you know Pelosi, The democrat who controls congress (speaker of the house) passed a bill that permantly prevents off shore drilling within 50 miles of the US coast for US companies. At the same time has no problem with the fact that the nation of china is drilling less than 25 miles off the coast of florida. So is Bush a lame duck --- YES but, the democrats are worse.

5) the US has done a great deal to prevent global warming. Is it enough -- no. Do they need to do more -- yes. Would either candidate do nothing to prevent global warming - of course not. If global warming is a problem for you look into the efforts and amount of greenhouse gasses that are produced by China.

6)Again, was the war a good idea - probably not. Should we abandon the Iraqi people and withdraw our troops - NO. Whether it was right or wrong, cost billions more or lowers opinions of the US in the eyes of other nations we should NEVER abandon our ally. We made a commitment and should stay as long as the Iraqi people want and need us there. And we should NEVER announce to the world, our enemies and Iraq's enemies when we will leave (as Obama wants to do) so they know when to attack.

7) Yes forclosures and unemployment are on the rise and steps are bieng taken to try to reduce both. This whole mess was caused by loosening he regulation on lending. People borrowed too much. People bought things they couldn't afford. People used credit until they were unable to pay thier bills. Is all of this the fault of the government - no. They do share some of the blame (both republicans and democrats) but the main fault lies with the american people. Many but not most of us have lived beyond our means for a long time. Now it is time for this to stop. People need to start accepting personal responsibility for their actions. Once people get their financial house back in order, business will pick up and forclosure will go down and unemployment will go down.

8) I agree, in many ways america has failed to show a true democracy. I blame this on the entitlement mentality in government and with the american people. I do not believe this is why much of the world have become haters of the US. I believe it is jealousy. I have many friends and relatives who live in Egypt and Indonesia and austrailia and Germany and Mexico and Canada. When we visit we never here people hate the US because the do not have a true democracy. We do hear in all countries we travel to that people hat the US because they are struggling to live day to day and Americans are rich. Does poverty in the US compare with poverty in other p


The international powers that be already do. The Federal Reserve and its equivalents around the world determine everything. Ever here "follow the money trail" this is true when seeking truth. The markets command some 500 Trillion dollars worth of securities, futures, and monetized debt everyday across the globe. The boards of the Fed and their foreign colleagues pretty much set the agenda. This is the NWO of post-WWII. Check out "Fiat Empire" on google free video. A wonderful documentary.


I don't know about others, but I will be voting for Barack Obama as my next President :)

Obama/Biden 08!


Those rednecks aren't going to listen to you.


i am voting for obama

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