Why do my arms feel extra warm the day after lifting weights?

Not just the usual soreness. Definitely warm and uncomfortable. Is there a physiological explanation for the warm feeling? Has anybody else experienced this?


Favorite Answer

This is because you still have a "pump" in your arms. That is what causes the warmth and tight feeling of your skin. This is because there is alot more blood in your arms and also nutrients because you exhausted the muscle and now ur body needs to repair the damage.


What probably happened is you lifted more than you should be lifting. If you can't do 3 sets of 8 repetitions with whatever weight you are using, put on less weight.

When you lift weights, physiologically you are ripping your muscles apart and your body is rebuilding them stronger than before. Thus, you only want to make little rips so you don't damage yourself. If you use too much weight, your body will simply be repairing your muscles because you ripped them apart too much, and this can lead to muscle damage on the long term.

Also, make sure you are doing slow, controlled movements. Quick jerky movements can also cause severe muscle damage, which may be a reason for what you might be feeling.

(You might feel warm because of all the molecular activity involved in repairing the muscle fibers)

If none of this is true you might want to talk to a fitness specialist or sports health expert.


no, I haven´t felt like that, you might want to check with a doctor, I mean, I have been lifting weights for 4 years (I´m 14) and I have never felt that


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