In what ways is Obama not a Socialist?

Assume for a moment that most people understand the difference between Socialism and Communism, as well. (though most don't seem to around here).


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The difference is that socialism is merely wealth redistribution. Communism is ban on capital, that is ban on possession of private property.

Obama is classic socialist. To be fair to Obama, I have to admit that Karl Marx would be against his policies. Marx thought that socialism distracts the workers from class warfare.


From Wikipedia 10-14-08
Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth into a small section of society who control capital, and creates an unequal society. All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly.

From Obama 10-11-08
When approached by a plumber after a rally and asked if was going to raise the plumbers taxes, Obama replied "Look at it this way, I'm going to spread the wealth around".

What the hell is the difference?


He doesn't support income caps, government ownership of all major industries, the abolition of taxes, or almost any of the more extreme policies that socialism espouses.

He does, of course, support some socialist policies. But so do almost all Americans. Socializing the costs of fire, crime, education, bad investment and credit programs, national defense and so on and so forth are all forms of socialism.

I personally think that Obama doesn't embrace socialism enough, but then again I am a Social Democrat (that's a term describing a political philosophy, not party affiliation).


Well, at least he values free speech and doesn't try to outright silence his critics...

Oh, wait.

EDIT: The point of the question is give us some EVIDENCE that he isn't a socialist, don't just say "He's not a socialist" or "Well, Bush is a socialist, too!" You people are pathetic.

General Zod2008-10-14T18:44:16Z

He's not nationalizing the financial industry. Bush is. So which party is supposed to be socialist now?

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