racism no longer a factor in the election?

“I would think of him as I would of another of mixed race,” said Glenn Reynolds, 74, a retired textile worker in Martinsdale, Va., and a former supervisor at a Goodyear plant. “God taught the children of Israel not to intermarry. You should be proud of what you are, and not intermarry.”

“He’s neither-nor,” said Ricky Thompson, a pipe fitter who works at a factory north of Mobile, while standing in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart store just north of here. “He’s other. It’s in the Bible. Come as one. Don’t create other breeds.”

“He’s going to tear up the rose bushes and plant a watermelon patch,” said James Halsey, chuckling, "


(shame on black people for voting for obama! they are SUCH racists...cuz as you can see, no white people are voting AGAINST obama cuz he's black..oh wait...)


Favorite Answer


actually nature favors expanding the gene pool ....
vs. inbreeding, as evidenced above.



Watermelons would be quite nice instead of roses...tasty

thats one thing I do not understand...I am very much a white guy whom love fried chicken and watermelon...hell, I probably eat more chicken than any black man.

Steriotypes are simply stupid and are a good litmus test for people to test ability to think.

also like collared greens...but not a big newport smoker...menthols...yuck.

Listen...there are idiots on both sides of the aisle...are we going to judge a whole party based on the common denominator? I certainly do not want to be compared to the ignorant voters of the Democrats...

This election is about: Which color shirt is best, yellow or green.
both sides have opinions about what is the right and wrong answer, but no matter how much you spin it...there actually is no right answer...thats whats great about philosophical debates on principles...there is no correct answer...there are however elegant answers.

Obama/Biden 08....because they are the correct answer


Oh well. If people want to be racists, then they think there's no need for change..no need for a black president. That's their problem, who are we to interfere?


its a factor.if whites were racist like they say we are football and basketball would cease to exist.mainly whites in the stands.lets not forget whitey supporting rap artists also.click link below to get a laugh.