What will America do without the "JOE The Plumbers" ?

Obama said he wants to TAX Joe if Joe has any success in the Plumbing business and share his wealth with America. I don't see the "UPSIDE" for Joe. If Joe just sits back with his six pack instead of going out and replacing water heaters and alike this nation will soon be on the edge of no return.

Sky Blue Waters !2008-10-15T20:28:38Z

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Yeah, i just called him to replace an ejector pump and he said he just laid off all his guys for three months and is not doing any more work this year so he doesn't go over his $250,000 tax bracket.
This will be as common theme.

David J2008-10-15T20:24:17Z

Many countries including mine have many Joe the plumbers who pay higher taxes that go to the common good including their own(!) and they do just fine.

john c2008-10-15T20:23:10Z

That's because people like Obama have no concept of what working for a living is all about.

Just Wondering2008-10-15T20:21:58Z

Lots of plugged up toilets.