Why does Obama think that Success is a bad thing?

Success in America should be taxed at a higher rate under Obama's rule. Failure will be rewarded. Is this the America that you wish for the future?


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I agree. Why punish people who actually worked to get some place in their life. Why don't we all just get low class jobs and stop going to school so we can have nice low taxes. Lets reward the undereducated....


The below $250,000 earners need a tax break, why does the GOP want the rich to stay rich, and the poor to stay poor. It looks like the GOP is the one which is against Success.


His point is everyone has to pay their fair share. You can't ask someone who'd making $25,000 a year to pay the same amount as someone making $250,000 a year. It's not about punishing someone who has been successful, and after all, someone being successful doesn't owe their success to just themselves, they owe it also to their country for being givin the opportunity to succeed...