October surprise Obamas citizenship?

Here is a Question has it been answered Is Obamas citizenship in question only he know>>


Favorite Answer

he is not a citizen, he had citizenship in Indonesia, that must be why he is so pro illegal. it figures. he will be the fall of the United States of America


It has been answered over and over and over. Of course he's a citizen. He couldn't be a US senator without a valid birth certificate and proof of citizenship. Fox New is desperate.


Enough, we don't need anymore immigrants coming to America. We are full.
God Bless America


No, this is no surprise,

Did not work:


So on to the next SMEAR and LIE.

If you want to "move the needle" try coming up with a solution to some of our problems, like the value to my 401K, all but destroyed by Republican incompetence.

Obama 2008


the whole thing about FACTCHECK.ORG that you guys like to quote and link to... it's part of the Annenberg group
That Obama used to work for
wow good unbiased source there

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