What if....................?

i've been kicking this thought around in my head for a few weeks now...what if..

what if the government, in order to eliminate smoking (or lower numbers), made it so that for every 1000 packs of cigarettes made...one was poison. If you smoked a cigarette from a poisoned pack..you would die a painful death.

do you think people would still buy cigarettes or even continue to smoke?

ps i am a smoker....and i'd quit.

i'm not saying this should be done. (how awful!)..but i thought about writing a short story about it. i was just wondering everyone's opinion.

*I like the idea of every 1000h pack, because it's rare enough for people to think "oh it won't happen to me..."


Favorite Answer

I think that would be a good fiction story. When I was reading the first paragraph, all I thought was...Wow! She is Hitler!

I'm a smoker too! It would make it much easier to quit I think.

Captor of Sin2008-10-17T18:41:11Z

Cigarettes are already poisonous and the cancer that they can give you is definitely painful. And in some cases cause death. So, thats already the case.

And no they wouldn't stop smoking. Smokers can be extremely stubborn when it comes to wanting to quit, despite all the facts out there about smoking.


I think people would still smoke. They're already killing themselves, what difference does it make. Most likely they would just start rolling the cigs themselves. I think in order to get people to stop smoking, people in nursing homes who are dying of cancer should do public service announcements about how miserable it makes you once you've had your tongue and part of your throat cut out, and you have to eat from a peg tube, and you have scabby hairy skin in your throat because they had to transplant it from your back. But alas, people are too prideful to do any such thing.


I quit, like 2 years ago, and I'd quit if I still smoked and that happend. Some people I know wouldn't though.


That might help .. but even if its was packs on two poisoned there will still be smokers !

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