How do i contact Yahoo to tell them that their is 2 f's in "off" in the statement below.?

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bff is retired2008-10-17T14:24:03Z

Favorite Answer

OMG maybe the yahoo answers people will notice your question? I read it the first time and didn't even catch what you are talking about. That's weird how the brain works. I wonder how many people caught that simple should be a proofreader. on the bottom of my Y!A screen there is a "tell us what you think" try that?

ღ ☆Davina☆ ღ2008-10-17T17:41:51Z

Yahoo! Customer Service
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Put it in the Forum, they will see it there, that's where we make our suggestions. Good eye. Someone else caught a mistake on the report page and it got corrected.