What can you tell me about Shiba Inu dogs?

I'm getting one soon and I would like to know as much as I can.
I have researched but would like to hear from those who have or breed them.


Favorite Answer

I just got my Shiba Inu pup last week. He's a great dog... he learns VERY quickly. As you may have already read, they are not lap dogs... if you try to hold him for very long, he'll begin to squirm and scream (mine mostly 'screams' and howls, i've only heard one bark. He is a great dog though. If you set a schedule and ground rules from the very beginning, and follow them, then you should not have any real problems. Just remember that if you control the food... then you heavily influence the behavior of the dog. Make him submit to your for everything to establish dominance (i.e. make him sit before he can go through a door or before you give it food). You can follow my thread here on mine:

I've been posting new pics periodically so people can see how the color of the shiba changes as it matures.


Shiba Inu Terrier Mix


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What can you tell me about Shiba Inu dogs?
I'm getting one soon and I would like to know as much as I can.
I have researched but would like to hear from those who have or breed them.

Elaine M2008-10-18T14:57:05Z

The Shiba is a small, compact, agile furry dog that looks like a miniature Akita. It has a pointed face, broad forehead and triangular prick ears. The eyes are small and dark. The teeth should form a scissors bite. The nose is dark. The Spitz-like tail is thick and strong curling over the back and carried either in a ring or with a sickle curve. Though all colors are acceptable, the plush double coat most often comes in red, or red with a little black overlay, or black with tan markings. The dog should have white or cream-colored markings on the cheeks and sides of the muzzle, throat, underside and chest. White is also permitted on the legs, tail tip and above the eyes.

Angry Y!A Nerd, Meaghan Edwards2008-10-17T16:10:59Z

I own a nine year old Shiba girl, Suki. She is a gorgeous little girl, and even at her age, she is still full of energy and loves her new "puppy", a two year old Rat Terrier mix we adopted after her Scottish Terrier companion, Hamish, died last October.

Here's some pictures of her:


In behavior, they are as close as you can get to a wolf. My girl howls more than she barks. She's also VERY healthy, her only health complaint, if you can call it that, is her seasonal allergies. Bee pollen and antihistamines work wonders for her. They do tend to have a mind of their own :D

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