It seems that many dislike John McCain? Why?

Everyone is making attacks Sarah Palin as a 'Carabou Barbie,' that he's just an old curmudgeon who can't remember how many houses he has and a host of other negatives. Do you EVER consider his stance on the issues? By the way, the houses are in his wife's name; do you really expect him to know. And what's this about his wife's being as intelligent as a cucumber? This board is for serious discussion about serious issues, I thought. I'm so glad you're so comfortable with this economy, health care and other issues that you don't feel you need to discuss intelligently.


He has said that Roe v. Wade is flawed legislation that he feels should be overturned, but he's not campaigning on overturning it. He is going to appoint judges who will not legislate from the bench. As far as facism, are you looking forward to the alternative of socialism (Obama)?


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People love and hate John McCain.. Members of his own party sometimes dont like him cuz he would rise against them at times. Democrats have always liked him cuz he is a straight shooter. McCain puts the USA first. Unfortunately, Democrats like to put party first before their country


Because he supported Bush’s policies 95 percent of the time. Bush was a disaster for this country. Now he's backtracking and trying to distance himself from Bush. He also used extremely questionable judgment in choosing Palin when there are several much more qualified people he could have picked. Sure Palin may be pretty and have nice hair and may appeal to the anti-gay, pro-life people but we have far more important issues to address. His "health care plan" is a sneaky but thinly-veiled attempt to put more money in insurance company's pockets. Your statement "the houses are in his wife's name; do you really expect him to know" almost made me fall on the floor. They've been married for 28 years I believe. He may not know exactly how many dresses or pairs of shoes or purses his wife owns but I would think that after 28 years he would know how many HOUSES his wife owns.


Hillary Clinton. If she would not win the customary, then John McCain. Tied with Hillary for my vote could have been Ron Paul, yet regrettably he rather would not have a guess at this ingredient.


Well nurse Annie you and most rep are in DENIAL big time. It doesn't seem that way,IT IS THAT WAY. We don't like him because he don't have plans or proposals because HE SPENDS HIS ENTIRE CAMPAIGN ATTACK OBAMA AND STIRRING UP HATRED. Anyone with "intelligence" can see that. Ever consider his stance,girl bye.Sorry to inform you but being old and white is NOT enough to get in the whitehouse this election.And people say these things about Sarah Palin and Mccains wife because it is not their opinions buts FACTS.Face it honey they are dumb and belong nowhere near the white house or trying to run this country.Palin is so pathetic and such a bad pick for Mccain,it is even making the most racist people consider Obama.Just thinking about when Mccain 73 yr old turkey neck self die,nobody wants Palin running the country with her one sided too opinionated self.


Why is it that the Democrats are all of a sudden, socialist? Would you call hillary or Bill Clinton socialists? They share the same politics/policies as Obama.

Just because he's black, doesn't make him a socialist.

I'm sure many don't like McCain, because his campaign auto-dials peoples homes to tell them that Obama is some sort of terrorist. That's defamation, which is illegal. Many people within the the McCain campaign can be charged with defamation.

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