Do you think a 70% tax rate will crush the economy?

Elect Obama, pay a 70% tax rate. It's scary, but it's definitely possible. Remember to triple the amounts of the tax table under the Carter administration to bring it to present day values.

Source: add /publications/show/151.html


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Why stop at 70%, let's go for the FDR range of the 90%. That would really be progressive and we could get the redistribution done much quicker.


A 50% tax rate will and that is more accurate. Top rate 40% then figure in state and local taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and whatever other taxes they charge. Like the taxes on your electric, gas and cable bill.



Colette Pioline ART2008-10-21T14:48:26Z

Nobody is proposing a 70 percent tax rate.


No because he is only taxing the 5% of the most wealthy in America.

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