40 weeks pregnant. I am suppose to be induced next week, what can i do to help myself go into labor naturally?
I want to do what is healthy for the baby. So i decided to wait longer to be induced. The doctor told me i could go into tomorrow, however i want to have a natural labor. Does anyone no what i can do to go into labor with out being induced?
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I wish I had the answer to this question because I am going to be induced on Friday if he doesn't come on his own before then. I have tried everything. I have had my membranes stripped twice, I have had tons of sex, walked the entire mall to one end and back two different times, ate really spicy foods and peppers, tried nipple stimulation (both by hand and with pump), tried riding our four wheeler over bumps, and even took castor oil. NOTHING has worked for me and I believe that this baby is just not going to come out on his own and I am most likely going to need to be induced on Friday, but I will keep my fingers crossed that something works for you.
Not much you can do. You can try long walks, sex, etc. But, that baby may not want to come out regardless. That's what happened to me and I had to be induced. It's easy and will be fine.