Does anybody want Adam and Erica to get together on AMC? ?

I don't think they should be a couple again. Jack is the one for Erica and Krystal is the one for Adam.


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Nobody can tame Erica Kane. No man has been man enough to keep her for more than a very little while, and we have had men of godlike proportions try. Erica is the unstoppable force!

Adam will have to go back to Krystal. I don't like Carmen for Jack and think he shoud take up with the gun shooting, bomb throwing Taylor.


No I wouldn't want to see Adam and Erica together. I am sorry but I don't think Jack and Erica are made for each other either. Krystal and Adam were funny together, but Adam drives me nuts and I m not sure i ave seen a perfect match for him.


I don't agree that Jack should be with Erica, together they were boring. I like the idea of Adam and Erica, I believe they were married once. But I did like the idea of Adam and krystal together. I was so dissapointed when they seperated.


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - it doesn't seem right at all

Adam and Erica do not belong together. That selfish ***** needs to be put in her place though, and I think that Adam is the only one we have met so far that could do it.

Jack and Ericka - alright, but boring to say the least. If it were real life they would be perfect for each other, but come on - this is a Soap Opera.

Krystal & Adam - yeah, I really liked them together and hope that it happens again.


No. Erica should be with Jack, Krystal should stay with Tad, & Adam should be alone with his miserable self.

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