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Does anybody want Adam and Erica to get together on AMC? ?

I don't think they should be a couple again. Jack is the one for Erica and Krystal is the one for Adam.

16 Answers

  • Kyle
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nobody can tame Erica Kane. No man has been man enough to keep her for more than a very little while, and we have had men of godlike proportions try. Erica is the unstoppable force!

    Adam will have to go back to Krystal. I don't like Carmen for Jack and think he shoud take up with the gun shooting, bomb throwing Taylor.

  • Lu
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No I wouldn't want to see Adam and Erica together. I am sorry but I don't think Jack and Erica are made for each other either. Krystal and Adam were funny together, but Adam drives me nuts and I m not sure i ave seen a perfect match for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't agree that Jack should be with Erica, together they were boring. I like the idea of Adam and Erica, I believe they were married once. But I did like the idea of Adam and krystal together. I was so dissapointed when they seperated.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - it doesn't seem right at all

    Adam and Erica do not belong together. That selfish ***** needs to be put in her place though, and I think that Adam is the only one we have met so far that could do it.

    Jack and Ericka - alright, but boring to say the least. If it were real life they would be perfect for each other, but come on - this is a Soap Opera.

    Krystal & Adam - yeah, I really liked them together and hope that it happens again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i think they are funny together but krystal is the one for adam.i can't wait til the upcoming love triangle when erica falls in love with adam again and krystal realizes she still loves adam.that's going to be a great love mess lol

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Erica should be with Jack, Krystal should stay with Tad, & Adam should be alone with his miserable self.

  • 1 decade ago

    No they should not be together she should be with Jack Adam should be alone and Krystal should stay with Tad

  • 1 decade ago

    I am torn on this one, she and Jack are soulmates but things are always interesting when she is with Adam! Krystal needs to stay away from Adam, if she goes back to him, I will lose all respect for her and her so called love for her babies. Adam tried to sell Jenny and left them both to possibly die when she went into labor.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know why any woman would want to get it on with Adam. He's old and, frankly, not a good looking guy. He's too old to be acting like some young stud. How he attracts these younger women that go gaga over him is beyond me.

  • 5 years ago

    i'm having a undertaking observing Erica and Ryan at the same time. it truly is not a lot the age distinction (properly..yeah it honestly is lol) than the actual incontrovertible reality that Erica is the grandmother of Ryan's son Spike. it extremely is in basic terms creepy to me. So enable's say Ryan and Erica stay at the same time, get married or in spite of...and Spike grows up and knows of their relationship...yet he might want to call Erica "grandma" and Ryan "daddy"....ewww. to respond to your question...yeah, like the others reported, Erica doesn't have a storyline so she is up in each and every body else's bees wax. That hair tossing is getting the same time such as her. both provide the female a strong storyline or deliver her off to three abandoned island someplace or something! And deliver Ryan such as her. i'm nonetheless giggling at a remark someone on YA made lately about Ryan looking like Frankenstein. i seen that remark after I reported Ryan some days in the past and that i cracked up giggling! i wager that makes Erica variety of the "bride of frankenstein" lol! (whats up, there's a resemblance). You get a fave individual from me.

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