Have any of you gotten weird private emails like this?

Does anyone know what this "person" is saying?

"From: Eazy E

Subject: hey

Message: hahah...well once again I have an arguer who neglects to answer the question just rants on a miscue of grammar or wording on my part...anyways 18% increase of votes from Bush in Virginia you really think there will be an 18% margin of error. seems like you are the one that needs to get your facts straight considering the margin of error is usually not larger than 5 percent. hahaha schooled granny. lol even my strong supporting democratic college professor agreed with me that votes like voting for colored democrats more than regular democrats."

Colored? Does anyone still use that term?


Favorite Answer

Yeah , that is pretty weird .....
I like what a few other ppl said about making yourself less of a target for hatemongers probably much like the one who sent you that email.It is scary to think of what some ppl may be capable of around here.
Just try not to make enemies , even though sometimes you may not be trying to , it will happen here.


Never, ever make your email publicly available via Y!A. Wise users change that setting IMMEDIATELY under the "my profile" tab at the top right.

If you leave yourself open, you are begging for trouble. What you posted above is but a tiny taste of that to which you will subject yourself if you continue to allow personal emails from Y!A users.



I've gotten weird private emails before, but never as weird as that. My last private email was from someone who was just having a cuss rant about me for Obama. I was like what the heck! I would give out the name, but then I'd might get reported.

Coral Blue2008-10-23T19:56:53Z

The person who wrote that is in college?! Oh my... Whatever college s/he is in needs to higher their standards.


Colored? Maybe he's South African.

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