Why is Sen. Obama's campaign selling election spots to the media, when they could get the coverage for free?

Media analyst Bob Knight is questioning the Obama campaign's decision to sell Chicago election night coverage packages to news outlets.


Chicago Sun-Times columnist Lynn Sweet notes the Obama campaign is planning to charge reporters $935 for a package that includes access to a heated file tent, power, cable TV, Internet, and food. The cheapest place a reporter could stand on a riser with a view is $880. Members of the media will also be charged $300 for an unlimited long distance phone line and $275 for high-speed wired Internet

Knight says the Obama campaign's "pay-to-play plan" is unprecedented. "In all my years as a reporter and editor, I have never heard of anything like that," he shares, "and I just asked a colleague at a major newspaper if he had [ever heard of such a thing] and he said, 'No.' He finds it very strange."

Dina W2008-10-23T20:40:40Z

Favorite Answer

Democrats never do anything for free..

Look at Acorn..

They pay people to get people registered? I had no idea people did that... where I live we give our time away for free.

I have volunteered my time, on many occasions to get the vote out for FREE... but I am a republican.. Nobody buys my politics.


Coverage or not his plans are just wrong for a free and independent America.Be careful of "change", I have seen nothing BUT change in my life and it has ALWAYS been for the worse.I'm 55 and things were better before.We have too many restrictive laws now and government is huge now.The media coverage of Obama only affects the ill informed and outright ignorant among us. They are susceptible to propaganda. Easily swayed by emotion and not concerned by facts and history.There are striking similarities between the hysteria surrounding Obama and Hitler's rise to power.Beware!

Agent Clem2008-10-23T20:40:13Z

It's all about the money. I guess $150 million last month isn't enough for Barack the Wealth Spreader.


After his loss on Nove 4.He's going to need a second job to pay back Soro's.

Bee Bee2008-10-23T22:39:08Z

It's money honey. that's all the man thinks of . and of course he has to have the best. remember he is very important. yeah right. I would love to sell him for what he thought he was worth and feed all the hungry children of the world. . God help us. and the people so blind they can't see him for who he is.

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